Background Information on Kilimanjaro
On the left-hand side of this page (scroll down on mobile) you’ll find a menu of various articles that will hopefully provide you with a better idea of how Kilimanjaro was formed, what it looks like, and what has happened to it over the past couple of thousand years.
As with most of this site, much is taken from the introductory chapters of the Kilimanjaro guidebook that we’ve been compiling and writing about two decades now.
Although none of the information in this section is essential for those looking to climb the mountain, it will – I hope – heighten the enjoyment and understanding for those who are due to visit the mountain and its surroundings.

View of Kibo from the lower slopes of Mawenzi, with groundsel ‘trees’ in the foregound.
If nothing else, it was fun researching this section and I hope some of you at least enjoy reading it too.
If you need further information about anything to do with Kilimanjaro, as always please do not hesitate to get in touch and ( will do my best to answer your questions. For me, part of the charm of Kili is its history. It’s an aspect of the mountain that I love to study and write about.
The fauna and flora on its slopes is also, of course, another of its main attractions; and one that, again, I love to study. So please don’t be embarrassed about getting in touch if you have any questions about any aspect of the mountain’s history, geology and nature. Because if I don’t know the answer immediately, I’ll probably have a lot of fun researching the topic.