Inoculations for Tanzania
This is the golden rule: sort out your vaccinations for Tanzania a few months before you’re due to fly . As such, begin your inoculations at least six months before the start of your trip.
Yellow fever
The rule regarding yellow fever seems to change every few months so. Still, it’s wise to have an inoculation against it. In the UK the vaccinations can cost anywhere from £25-45 (US$45-80). But don’t forget to collect a health card or some other written evidence from your doctor as proof of inoculation. Please see the next page for details on whether you need a yellow fever certificate for Tanzania.
Essential inoculations for Tanzania
This disease enters the body via contaminated food and water. A single injection lasts for around two years and should be administered two weeks before your trip. You can then top-up every two years.
Polio vaccination
Doctors used to inoculate their patients from poliomyelitis via the medium of a sugar lump, which made it one of the more pleasant inoculations. These days, however, it’s more commonly injected, and the inoculation lasts for ten years. Many countries have polio vaccination programmes. So you may already have had the jab.
Hepatitis A
This debilitating disease of the liver thrives in contaminated water. You can contract it just by using cutlery that has been washed in this water. There are actually three sorts of Hep A inoculations. The first is for Hep A only. The second is for both Hep A and Hep B. While the third combines immunity against both Hep A and typhoid. One of the inoculations involves two injections and is a two-stage process. The first stage protects you for three years. The second, taken six to twelve months later, covers you for ten years. So, given the length of time to be fully inoculated, you need to sort this vaccination out first.
Vaccinations for tetanus last for ten years and are absolutely essential for visitors to Tanzania. The bacteria that causes tetanus enters the body through cuts in the skin. They often give the vaccination in combination with one for diphtheria. Like a loyalty scheme, if you get five of these injections you’re covered for life.
Other vaccinations for Kilimanjaro that you should consider
Meningococcal meningitis
This disease of the brain is often fatal but the vaccination is free, safe and effective and covers you for three to five years. Experts say the vaccine works well but can’t prevent every case. Because it’s quite a rare disease, however, it’s difficult to estimate the vaccine’s true efficacy.
If you’re spending some time with animals or in the wilderness, then consider having a course of rabies injections. True, the inoculation process isn’t particularly pleasant, consisting of three injections spread over one month. Still, at least the injections are jabbed in the arm these days. Previously, they injected you in the stomach! The disease is one of the nastiest, and deadliest too. So be sensible if you’re planning on handling the local fauna. But note that it’s not usually necessary to have a rabies inoculation if you’re just going on safari.
Travellers’ medical clinics
The information on vaccinations changes all the time. More frequently than I can update this page. So for all your vaccinations for Kilimanjaro visit your doctor first. In addition, they’ll be able to tell you the latest advice on malaria too.
The alternative is to visit a travel-specialist clinic. For example there’s the London Travel Clinic. The aforementioned Nomad also provides clinics for travellers. A third option is MASTA, with branches throughout the UK.
For online information, try the website of the US Center for Disease Control. It is packed full of advice and the first place to look for the latest rules on yellow fever.